
Sunday, March 1, 2015

Dragon Atlas-Raise Your Dragon Quality

While playing dragon atlas, raising dragon quality is one of the fastest methods to get a stronger dragon and to enhance its growth because you can sweep for dragon shards or you can even get X Puppet items that allow you to purchase shards. Green ones are the easiest to obtain and allow the purchase of a lot of your low level shards but only 5 a piece because of easy obtaining. These are used on dragons you get at the earlier points in your game and also for your Ultimate Blue-Eyed Dragon. You got a blue and purple x puppets which allow 10 for each one you have and are used on the more advanced dragons you obtain from harder stages. These are a big help especially when you get your dragons into the Epic, Legendary, and Immortal qualities because they require tons of shards. You can also obtain the shards through sweeping. 

Sweeping is the easiest way to gain shards. Levels are eligible to be swept after you’ve fully defeated them once. Each map can be swept 30 times through normal means and consumes AP. You can provide yourself with more opportunities if you spend diamonds on which still consume AP, but offer 50 more chances of sweeping. After you've obtain enough shards you can upgrade them and when you get your dragon to a certain quality it will also activate passive skills.

Raise your dragon quality in dragon atlas

Raise your dragon quality in dragon atlas

If you also level the quality of dragons who you don't use, it will effect the dragon gallery as well (If you get everyone in the group to certain qualities it activates special passive stats they help your overall stats big time).

Raise your dragon quality right now: http://dragonatlas.37.com/?cid=54&scid=news105

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