The ultra-fast MMORPG Felspire is slated to
launch Friday August 7th at 9AM EDT.
With traditional MMOs players are faced
with one common problem. Time. Want to do end-game raids in WoW? Want to
dominate the PvP tournaments? You’ll need time – a lot of time. Traditional
MMORPGs create a stark contrast between the elite players and “the rest”. Don’t
have forty hours a week to devote? Well, chances are you’ll be stuck with the
other “casual” players trying to play catch up.

Enter Felspire. Let the clever
auto-questing feature handle most of the busy work for you while you do, you know,
real world things. This awesome feature automatically slays monsters, collects
loot, and auto-sells items when your bag is full. The system is so smart it
will automatically choose the best area to level up – and if you run out of HP
and MP potions while fighting it will buy those, too.
So what’s left for you to do? Since you
don’t have to worry about logging eighty hours a week just to keep up – when
you do decide to play you can dive straight into the PvP arenas or guild vs
guild action. But you don’t have to go to the arena or wait for your guild to
begin the fun. You’ll be free to roam the world of Eremos and slay players on
the spot. Havens are few and far between and the world of Eremos has a wild
west, anything goes feel to it. Go at your own pace and don’t worry about
falling behind – Felspire has already done the dirty work for you.
To celebrate Felspire's launch 37Games has
set up events on their website. Stop by [link] to spin the wheel and get extra
diamonds for your character! More events are available in-game so be sure to
get there early and get a leg up on the competition!
Check out Felspire on 37Games:
Felspire on Facebook:
This game looks awesome! I like this graphic style.